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We are happy to hear that you want to learn more about our medical device. You can sign up below to be contacted by a sales representative.
The product is available for purchase in a minimum quantity of one (1) pack. Each pack contains 10 boxes, with each box containing 7 capsules intended for single patient use. Larger orders are also possible.
Contact Us. We’re here to help!
Diana Nyström
+46 (0) 8 – 460 072 06
Medifactia® Transit-Pellets radiopaque markers
We are available to answer your questions about coding, coverage, and payment for our FDA 510(k) cleared medical device Transit-Pellets including:
- General reimbursement and coverage questions;
- Payer policy and any prerequisite requirements;
- Procedural Billing and Coding Guidelines
The principle for the execution of colonic transit test with Transit-Pellets method and Transit-Pellets radiopaque markers.
Times specified above are examples only